Sunday 12 May 2013

Encouraging words for the Children Of Light

I now welcome all of my children into a warm glow of Love and Joy and express my sincerest gratitude to the Children of Light that have worked in co-operation with me to bring the collective Gaia into the stage she is at now. You will not realise all that we have done together until your return. Even in the harshest moments you children of the light have been aiding me by releasing that which is holding you back. Even when you feel you are somehow letting me down (which I assure you is not possible) you are actually doing my work and you are taking on much strain that isn’t entirely yours, you are preforming a most valued service and you will be rewarded in the most magnificent way possible. I extend the Golden Ray of my infinite love to you at this unprecedented time in my realms of Creation. Oh the pride I take when I see the children of the light fighting off the forces of darkness that have kept humanity in bondage. You may not be in a state of total perfection yet but know that you are not meant to be just yet. As you will know I AM The Eternal Director and the Ascension process lies in my hands (through the mighty beings who know themselves as that which I AM) and you are where you need to be. You had an experience the other night which you are not fully aware of where you connected with the Archangel Michael and had beautiful visualizations of this being of infinite love in many forms. The reason I bring this up is because every being that connects with my beloved wing man Michael will receive the most unimaginable blessing of guidance, security, love and protection and is anchoring the wonderful blue ray of universal truth into the collective consciousness of mankind. So know that even though you are not yet perfect beings you can still anchor the energies of perfected beings into the soul of mother Gaia and into the collective consciousness. You children of light have done more than you will ever give yourself credit for and I have thoroughly enjoyed this experiment and it is already a marvellous success. Just know that there is only forward progress and that there is never anything that should make you feel negative towards yourself, it is all an illusion. No matter what you have done wrong it doesn’t count for anything other than showing you the correct thing to do for future reference. You cannot believe that after I have sent you (with your willing consent) to a world full of fear, ego and ignorance to incarnate (in some cases) for hundreds of lifetimes that I would have any kind of judgement for you. You can’t believe it, all of this disinformation about who I AM and how I view every single one of my children will be exposed by the Archangel Michael’s Blue Flame of Truth and Love and you will know yourself as me no matter what, the question is always when and like always that has rested with you, but know that those that have been aware of who I truly Am and who you truly are to any degree and those that have been working to heal the beloved Gaia and themselves are in for a treat and it would take something very drastic to stop them from attaining the higher consciousness that is their entitlement. I have expressed this message to tell all who come across it that this experiment is a job well done. You could say that you have passed with merits. You have grown and expanded so much over the course of your time on Earth and like I have said I am like a proud father/mother at this moment in eternity. Now listen up because this part is very important. I see the full spectrum of things and it is with the deepest joy and the deepest sigh of relief that I say this. You who have put in the work have arrived. Those who I’m speaking of will probably know who they are although some may not, and you are at the very end of your clearing process. This month could still present challenges to be used as verification that you are ready but over the next few months and the rest of this year, many souls will be consumed in the Golden Flame of Eternal bliss, this is beginning now to move at full speed, the starseeds as they have been called will be meeting more and more of their kind who are aware and conscious and it is imperative that you come together in groups to do healing work if you are aiming for widespread change. I see that so many are finally ready for a transformation in consciousness and I want to offer my support and guidance to you at this time to do with your plans of setting up the Order of The Golden Flame. It is a marvellous idea, I was very much present when you were having those aha thoughts about this activity which you yourself have called preparation for joining the Order Of Melchizedek. I like that, what good preparation it will be too if the right circumstances go according to plan. Call on me to support this movement, to bring opulence, to bring new ideas and energies, and most importantly to guide you. You are a major part in this ascension process (as is every being in human form upon your world) you are excelling beyond belief in your progress in bringing truth to the other starseeds you are in contact with and know that we are very supportive of this idea to set up an Order of the Golden Flame. You know all of this already but you must be totally free from all ego and fear if you want to work on this level with the Ascended Masters and there is some pressure of sorts upon you to be a guide unto others once you officially start this movement. Take comfort in knowing that a very realistic target for you is to prepare for the rest of this month and then be ready to begin this activity. Your prerogative has always been to be a coordinator working with your fellow starseeds and let me say too that nothing that has happened in this incarnation is by chance. The grip of your ego in certain circumstances and the many things you have done that you are not proud of are the things that have prepared you for this. Everything you have done has been leading up to these coming months. The first wave of ascension is very near and as has been said you are looking at approximately a year but it can’t be emphasized with enough importance that this lies in your hands and could be achieved in less time or more time depending on your decisions. The Ascension of humanity and the closing of the 3rd Dimension will take a while longer, I am sure you understand. There is much that needs to be done if the sleepy humans are to awaken. You starseeds and evolved humans are at the forefront of this activity and those of you who ascend in the first wave as it has been called are the Masters of Nova Earth and will blaze the trail for all of mankind and all of those who are deeply asleep. This is well on its way, if you could see like I do all the progress that has been made in the consciousness of the starseeds and evolved humans you would never feel fear again in any way as you would see that the bringers of the Golden dawn are very, very nearly ready, it really is the finishing touches that are being made to this profound portrait of personal perfection and this activity of my light is stirring within many, many of my beloved children.
I Thank you for everything my warriors of divine grace and I eagerly anticipate the return of your conscious recognition of your Oneness with me. I AM THAT I AM, Eheyieh Asher Eheyieh, I AM the eternal presence that gives you life, I AM the unmoved mover, The Creator and The Created and I love all of you more than you will understand until your return to full consciousness. May the Golden Flame of my love engulf all fear in the Mighty Benevolent Fires of Infinity.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Archangels Invite You To Connect With Them

We are the Archangels and we are here with an important message at this point in eternity. We have observed the way you have spoken of us and the way that you have thought of us and although we are eternally glad that most of you are aware of our existence we feel as if some people may have the wrong idea about who we are and what we are trying to do. We have observed within many of you that you feel unworthy of connecting with us. You feel that because we are such powerful beings that humankind is unable to connect with us. Our dearest of friends that couldn't be further from the truth. Religion and other structures of authority have given you the wrong ideas about power, our power does not come from an egotistical accomplishment but from a state of utter connectedness with the Eternal Architect. It is of utmost importance that you understand we are in a position of such power that it is impossible for ANY human being to be unworthy of connecting with us. The power lies within you, if you believe you are unworthy then you will not experience our eternal connection (although it will still be there waiting to be tapped into) and we promise you that if you focus your attention positively on connecting with us then that is what you shall experience. We may have immeasurable power but there is no need whatsoever to fear that power or to feel unworthy of connecting with that power yourself as our evolutionary status comes from our understanding that we are no different from you or any other being throughout the Cosmos. You see the name Archangels as it is used by religious systems promotes the wrong idea about us and some of the beliefs about us can actually disconnect you from us and from your eternal father/mother. You do not have to work to please us or the synergetic being you call God. You work for you and for what you want for yourself never would we try to impose anything on your will as we are in a position where we know exactly who we are and imposing on people's free will or judging people's choices is not compatible with that. We are nothing other than love and light, there is nothing complex about our connection to all the beings throughout this Universe it simply IS WHAT IT IS.

 We observe that some humans think they have to do this or that to connect with us but this is not true, we have always been connected and we are with you whenever you want to call out to us. We humbly ask you to join us in these times of transformation and to connect with us through the various rays of light and love so that we can help guide you to finding the power within that will show you the eternal truth that you have forgotten, YOU ARE WHAT YOU CALL GOD!!! We the Archangels of the Infinite Creation are here to remind you that you are loved, appreciated and respected by all in the higher planes and that not one of you is unworthy of experiencing yourself as the Divine Creator you have always been, we have enjoyed this communion very much and look forward to the next time we speak. A little reminder for everyone that reads this, there isn't a single being incapable of communicating with us, it is a matter of choice and free will, the only thing stopping you from feeling your connection with us is the programmed doubt within the human race. We are at your service at all "times" and we love you so very much. Now we say goodbye and welcome you on your return to the higher planes from which you came.
 Adonai <3